<![CDATA[Quantum Marketing Group]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/b2b-demand-generation-blogRSS for NodeSat, 27 Jul 2024 05:07:00 GMT<![CDATA[Celebrating Pride Month: A Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/celebrating-pride-month-a-commitment-to-diversity-inclusion-and-equality667d597639c61896522e937cThu, 27 Jun 2024 12:37:50 GMTquantummarketingAs we’ve sashayed into June, we join millions around the world in celebrating Pride Month. This vibrant and significant occasion not only honours the LGBTQ+ community and their rich history but also serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing journey toward equality and acceptance. At the Quantum Marketing Group, we firmly believe that diversity, inclusion, and equality (DEI) are not just buzzwords but fundamental pillars that drive our success and foster a thriving workplace culture.


Embracing Diversity: A Core Value

Diversity is at the heart of who we are. We recognise that each employee brings unique perspectives, experiences, and talents to the table, enriching our corporate working environment and driving innovation. By embracing diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, we cultivate a dynamic and creative workforce that is better equipped to solve complex b2b problems and service our diverse clientele.

Inclusion: Creating a Safe and Welcoming Space

While diversity is about representation, inclusion is about creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued. We are dedicated to ensuring that all employees, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, or background, feel a sense of belonging. This commitment is reflected in our policies, practices, and everyday interactions.

Equality: A Non-Negotiable Commitment

Equality means providing everyone with the same opportunities to succeed. We are committed to eliminating barriers and ensuring fair treatment for all employees. Going into 2025, this includes:

  • Equal Benefits: Offering comprehensive benefits packages that cover all employees equally.

  • Anti-Discrimination Policies: Enforcing strict policies against discrimination and harassment, ensuring a safe and respectful workplace for everyone.

  • Career Development: Providing mentorship programmes, leadership training, and career advancement opportunities specifically tailored to support underrepresented groups, including the LGBTQ+ community.

This year, team member Jo Webber will be hosting a series of Pride-driven events on behalf of the Gay Women’s Network. This organisation aims to give lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer + professional women access to career development and networking opportunities in an inclusive and welcoming space, and to support positive change for LGBTQ+ women in the workplace. She is also appearing on Virgin Pride Radio after being interviewed by Diva Editor-in-Chief Roxy Bourdillion discussing evolution of the LGBTQ+ landscape, post starring in reality TV show Candy Bar Girls, which aired on Channel 5 in 2011.

Why Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality Matter to Our Business

Our commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equality is not only the right thing to do but also makes sound business sense. Research consistently shows that diverse and inclusive teams are more innovative, productive, and engaged. By fostering a culture where everyone can thrive, we enhance our ability to attract and retain top talent, better understand and serve our customers, and drive sustainable growth.

In a nutshell, companies that prioritise equality and inclusion are viewed more favourably by potential candidates, clients and partners. Our dedication to these values strengthens our brand reputation and builds trust with our stakeholders, ultimately contributing to our long-term success.

Join Us in Celebrating Pride Month

As we celebrate Pride Month, we invite all employees, partners, and community members to join us in embracing diversity, championing inclusion, and advocating for equality. Together, we can create a more inclusive world where everyone is free to be their authentic selves.

Happy Pride Month from all of us at Quantum Marketing Group

Jo Webber - Senior Account Manager

<![CDATA[Putting propensity to work in B2B Demand Generation. ]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/putting-propensity-to-work-in-b2b-demand-generation-right-now-here-today664db386450f6fe89f920a02Mon, 24 Jun 2024 12:42:54 GMTquantummarketingRight Now. Here. Today…

We all recognise the power of a creative marketing campaign. One that leads to outstanding execution and sets your product or service apart from the numerous competitors out there. An idea that stands out in a cluttered market, ensuring your product or service gets noticed.

But then the results come back, and the overarching emotion is disappointment. Click-through rates are low. Engagement across the board has not met expectations.

Putting propensity to work in B2B Demand Generation.

Putting Propensity to Work in B2B Demand Generation

Smiles turn to frowns. "What must we do to get our potential customers excited?" comes the cry. “It was the perfect message!”

It may well have been. But the ‘right message’ is nothing without the other two amigos of ‘right person’ and ‘right time’. Good creative work can win awards, but many ideas end up in the trash without getting noticed.

Not Quite a Crystal Ball…But Close!

This is not just a common problem for B2B marketing teams. Arguably, it's THE problem, as it impacts everything from campaign ROI to conversion rates and the quality of leads generated. But what can we do?

To answer that question, we need to discuss propensity data. We also need to find a simple way to use propensity models in your next project. This will save you from having to do all the hard work yourself.

Propensity Insights: Key Takeaways

  • Propensity data shows if someone is likely to buy, while intent data just shows interest.

  • Propensity data enables you to better predict the preferences, behaviours, and priorities of individual organisations.

  • Propensity insights help tailor your marketing strategy and concentrate resources where they can make the most impact. This makes it simpler to reach specific audiences.

Taking Care of Business

Clients sometimes feel unsure when we discuss propensity, thinking it's good but not knowing where to start. It’s an understandable position too, given the complex data requirements needed to build a fully functioning propensity model.

Hence the premium placed on ease and convenience. B2B marketing teams are busy, so they often need help from someone else to use propensity data in campaigns. This person builds the model and makes the insights useful.

Quantum: Your Partner in Data Services

This is where Quantum enters from stage left. With over 20 years of experience, we specialise in generating interest in tech companies globally to create comprehensive data services.

With 20 years of experience, we focus on generating interest for tech companies worldwide to provide data services. You can tell us who your target audience is and what data is important. We can then create a unique data model for your B2B marketing campaign. Let’s bring that claim to life:

A Step-by-Step Approach

Quantum helps determine what you want to sell and who your target audience is for your project or campaign. This can be a standalone project or part of a client's marketing campaign. It includes identifying job titles, personas, and territories.

Next, we will identify the key data points that our algorithm and AI tools will use to build the propensity model. This could include:

  • Installation indicators: Types of tech in play within individual firms, age of implementation, upgrade timelines, etc.

  • Behavioural indicators: Types of content organisations are looking at, frequency of purchase, previous interactions, etc.

  • Buyer group indicators: Identifying both decision-makers and influencers.

  • Anecdotal indicators: New hires, partner insights, social media commentary, etc.

  • Engagement indicators: Clicks on your content, 3rd party content, etc.

From here, we’ll agree on a scoring index with you that aligns with your campaign goals. Essentially, we’ll determine the best way to apply ‘weight’ to each of the above indicators using logistic regression models.

Give 'Em What They Want…

As for outcomes, the propensity model we’ll build helps to quickly order your audience into three primary categories:

  • The A-listers: Your top audience, ready for immediate engagement, ideally on a one-on-one basis.

  • The B bunch: Those whose score suggests strong interest, and therefore relevant for personalised communications.

  • The C crowd: Those who are more attentive and need ongoing lead nurturing through group interactions.

It’s therefore easy to imagine how such insight can be used to create more targeted content marketing. But more than this, it supports a more informed approach to stimulating ‘next actions’ from your audience, anticipating what they really want to hear and giving it to them. Above all, it helps B2B marketers focus their budgets and creativity on those most likely to appreciate it.

Better ROI and More Qualified Pipeline

Think better marketing ROI, more qualified pipeline, and eye-catching campaign performance.

Put B2B Demand Generation Propensity to Work on Your Campaigns

Want to find out more about how a propensity model could help transform your next campaign? Get in touch with Quantum today, and we’ll arrange a time to talk through your goals and the type of insights you’re after.

Contact Us

For more information on how our data-driven lead generation strategy can enhance your marketing campaigns and drive higher conversion rates, please provide your contact information and let's discuss your marketing strategy.

Get in touch with Quantum today to start creating content that resonates with your potential customers and addresses their pain points effectively.

<![CDATA[Accelerating B2B Marketing Success Through Enhanced Campaign Velocity]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/accelerating-b2b-marketing-success-through-enhanced-campaign-velocity6641d9e75392fa627f27b766Tue, 14 May 2024 07:28:34 GMTRoger WilksCampaign velocity—the rate at which marketing strategies are executed and refined—is a critical factor in the success of B2B marketing. It influences market penetration and overall business achievements by ensuring timely responses to market dynamics. However, achieving optimal velocity extends beyond mere speed; it necessitates strategic planning, the application of technology, and interdepartmental collaboration. Let's examine how these elements synergize to elevate B2B marketing efforts.

Accelerating B2B Marketing Success Through Enhanced Campaign Velocity

Strategic Alignment: The Bedrock of Effective Campaigns

At the core of any successful marketing campaign is the alignment between marketing objectives and the broader business goals. This alignment ensures every marketing initiative propels the company towards key objectives like revenue growth, market share increase, or new market entry. Shockingly, the Content Marketing Institute reports that only 37% of B2B marketers have a documented content strategy, indicating a prevalent strategic misalignment that could decelerate campaign momentum.

Data Utilisation: Crafting Smarter Marketing Strategies

In the digital landscape, data is plentiful, offering insights into customer preferences and behaviors. Data-driven strategies allow for the crafting of personalised, impactful marketing campaigns. McKinsey & Company highlight that data-centric personalisation can boost marketing ROI by 15-20%. Effective data use not only targets the right audience but also enables real-time campaign optimisation, enhancing both the speed and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

The Impact of Technology on Velocity

Advanced technologies, such as marketing automation tools, CRM systems, and AI-driven analytics, are indispensable for streamlining marketing processes. Salesforce indicates that high-performing marketing teams are significantly more likely to integrate AI into their strategies, demonstrating technology's pivotal role in enhancing velocity. Automation, in particular, frees up time from manual tasks, allowing teams to concentrate on strategy and creativity, thereby accelerating campaign deployment and improving scalability across various channels.

Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Enriching Marketing Insights

Marketing strategies benefit immensely from insights across the business spectrum. Collaboration with sales, product development, and customer service teams furnishes a comprehensive understanding of customer experiences and product reception. For instance, sales feedback on customer inquiries or concerns can prompt proactive adjustments in marketing messaging, thus bolstering campaign effectiveness.

Continuous Optimisation: Sustaining Momentum

Launching a marketing campaign is merely the beginning. Top marketers know that ongoing optimisation is crucial; it involves regularly analysing campaign performance and integrating feedback to continually refine strategies. This approach not only preserves campaign momentum but also adjusts marketing tactics to better align with customer expectations and shifting business goals, ensuring the campaign's relevance and impact remain high.

Final Thoughts: Finding the Right Balance Between Speed and Strategy in Campaign Implementation

Maintaining high velocity is essential for B2B marketers striving for market leadership. While rapid campaign execution offers a competitive edge, the essence of marketing acceleration lies in strategic execution. Businesses that excel in swift, effective marketing are well-equipped to adapt to market changes, seize new opportunities, and drive substantial growth.

In the fast-paced marketing world, it is crucial to remember that while speed is important, the quality of campaigns should never be sacrificed. Achieving a balance where campaigns are both quick and strategically sound is vital, ensuring they deliver tangible results and contribute to sustained business success. By prioritising strategic alignment, embracing data, leveraging technology, fostering collaboration, and committing to continuous optimisation, B2B companies can boost their marketing acceleration and secure a thriving future.

ebook for generating demand engines in B2B marketing

Demand Engines -Always on campaigns for a 50:1 ROI

Discover the transformative power of 'Always On' campaigns with "Demand Engines". This comprehensive guide reveals the strategies behind an astounding 50:1 ROI in the B2B sector. Delve into expert insights on audience engagement, the nuances of omnichannel strategies, and the art of data-driven decision-making. Don't let your marketing efforts fall behind; elevate your approach and witness unparalleled returns. 

<![CDATA[The Authenticity Imperative: A real tactic for B2B marketing success]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/the-authenticity-imperative6641a9c60221b98029501818Mon, 13 May 2024 05:59:23 GMTquantummarketing

The Authenticity Imperative

The trouble with B2B marketing today is, well, remarkably similar to what it’s always been. Sameness.


Everyone is saying roughly the same thing, in roughly the same way, to largely the same people. It’s hard to stand out; and it’s only gotten more greige now, thanks to the influx of GenAI-fuelled shortcuts and AI-written thought pieces.


(Before you start wondering about this article, rest assured, we passed a reCAPTCHA just before this. No bots here, no sirree )


So, in a sea of shiny veneers and best-foot-forwards, how does any business have a hope of making a mark?


In short, by being authentically you.


Appealing to your people through authenticity

Or: Why authenticity is basically the marketing equivalent of wearing that one ratty old band t-shirt you love that almost nobody else gets except for that one couple down the road that’s just as into the band as you (hey, Jill and Joe!) and, oh yeah, the group of music pundits that said you looked cool last Saturday down at the pub.


One of the hardest but most useful lessons I’ve learned over the years is that I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. I won’t be for everyone—but, similarly, not everyone will be for me.


I think that’s something we understand naturally as people, but less often as companies. The truth is: Not everybody will want to buy what we’re selling. (And that’s okay.)


Sometimes, sure, it may be because you’re not saying the right thing. But, often, it’s because the person you’re speaking to:

  • Is uninterested (Doesn’t need what you’re selling—or doesn’t think they do)

  • Is time-poor (Thinks what you’re selling will mean more work for them)

  • Is comfortable (Isn’t ready to change the way they do things)

  • Is underfunded (Doesn’t have the budget to afford your product or service right now—but might in the future)


Now, some of those things you can’t do anything about. But others, you can.


That’s where authenticity comes in.


Authenticity is about peeling back the layers and showing your audience your product or service, what it does, what it’s good for, and—crucially—what it’s not good for. And, by doing so, allowing people to self-select and choose you if you’re the right fit.


Of course, that’s easier said than done. When everyone around you is showcasing perfect, replicated, one-size-fits-all facades, it’s hard to be comfortable showcasing your wrinkles.


But, for those businesses brave enough to bite the bullet, authenticity often has amazing results.

So, there’s a case to be made for being more genuine in your marketing. As Mark Mathieu put it: ‘Marketing used to be about making a myth and telling it. Now it’s about telling a truth and sharing it.’


Now, how do you go about finding your truth?

What is authenticity, anyway?

Authenticity is about being authentically, unapologetically human. Easy-peasy. Except, maybe not, because it’s hard to pinpoint ‘humanness’ when AI is starting to do a good job at fronting as human.


That’s why, now more than ever, it’s important to check back in with ourselves and reconnect with our most authentic selves. Ask:

  • Why are we doing what we’re doing?

  • Why should others care about it?

  • Why should someone else believe in our proposition?

  • Why should people believe we care about their business, really?


It may seem like a frivolous exercise, but we often lose track of these basic things when hit by the deluge of busywork, email communications, KPIs, sales targets, and more.


By reminding ourselves of why we do what we do—and why it’s actually pretty cool—we remember the exciting elements that other people will care about.


Think about it this way: AI is exciting, but it’s not inherently exciting to hear about it anymore—because everyone is talking about it in the broadest terms. But when you dive down into the nitty gritty details of what you do with AI and why it’s so ground-breaking, you tap into the reasons why your ideal customer will care.

The 4 ‘P’s of authenticity

There’s a power in the unconventional when it comes to showcasing authenticity. We think these four ‘P’s are a good guide on where you can start when looking for a place to draw authenticity from:

  • Personality: What’s your company personality? Can you bring a bit more approachability into your tone? Is there space to introduce a bit of nose-tapping humour?

  • Purpose: Why are you doing what you do? What is the cause that you care so much about that you’ve built a business around it? What gets you out of bed in the morning?

  • People: Is your culture something you’re particularly proud of? Do your people make a difference between you and your competitors? Does the way you treat your people make you stand out as a business?

  • Preference: Do you have a specific type of business your product or service works best for? Are there particular projects that make your heart sing? Sometimes, it helps to draw a circle in the sand and invite people to step in.



Building trust in the digital age– why people like their brands to feel human

At the end of the day, authenticity is about appealing to the human in all of us—and our desire to support things we care about and actually like.


We’re already seeing this. Over the past few years, there’s been a flux in the number of thought pieces and apps geared at showcasing reality without the filter. (Do apps like BeReal stop people from hurriedly doing their makeup and trying to look like they’re doing something cool? No. But they do suggest a visceral human hunger for authenticity.)


In an even more clear-cut display, a recent research paper by MIT Sloan found that people have a clear preference for humans. As the research put it, ‘not AI aversion, but human favouritism’.


All that to say: People like people. They want to support people.


Appealing to that human favouritism by bringing authenticity into your marketing allows you to tap into emotion and create narratives that resonate and linger.


Done right, authentic brand content can have a greater staying power. People remember how things make them feel; so, if your authentic approach appeals to the viewers emotions, sense of humour, or personal experiences, you’re more likely to resonate with your desired audience.


It’s about vulnerability and realism as a business strength, not weakness.

Some of our favourite examples in the wild

I’ve nattered on long enough but, before you go, have a look at these brands that have embraced authenticity, shown their underbelly, or used a sense of humour to grow their customer base and garner support.


The best marketing is memorable. It makes you smile. Or groan in sympathy. Or let out that little puff of air that suggests a laugh.


In short: It’s human.

Authenticity is easier said than done. And it’s worth it anyway.

So, back to the beginning: The trouble with B2B marketing today, sameness, still stands. Why? Because it’s hard for brands to embrace authenticity.


We can’t lie. It is scary.


There’s a critical balancing act that marketers need to do; a tightrope to be walked between personality and professionalism. That balancing act is why it’s so crucial to know your audience—how they speak, how they think, where there’s space to flex, and where boundaries are best left standing.


But, done right, authenticity can be a catalyst for success. And it can also help you understand who you are as a business better too.


Change is slow, but we’re seeing it all over the place; authenticity is becoming something people look for in the businesses they do business with.


So? Bite the bullet and get real. Really real.

<![CDATA[B2B Demand Engines: Building a Perpetual Motion Machine of Leads]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/demand-engines-building-a-perpetual-motion-machine-of-leads65c0af9a33ff5a2330589cf6Mon, 05 Feb 2024 10:20:48 GMTRoger WilksMarketing has always been something of a devil’s art. As much as anyone purports to have cracked the secret to selling (or nurturing leads, or creating always-win campaigns…) the truth is that people are, at the end of the day, people. And that means there will always be an element of both the rational and the emotional in every buying decision.

Demand Generation: Building a Perpetual Motion Machine of Leads

Add to that the significantly higher costs that come with making a B2B purchase along with the asynchronous nature of the modern buying journey, and it’s no surprise that the B2B buying journey is more Ferris wheel than funnel.


B2B Buyer Journey

Which leads us to the big challenge marketers face: Most traditional campaigns still operate with the linear sales funnel in mind.


In this article, we delve into the traditional campaign and its limitations — and explore the shift to an always-on approach to marketing and how you can establish your own perpetual motion machine* of leads.

* As much as a machine can be in perpetual motion, anyway. (i.e. Some maintenance needed.)

The limitations of traditional campaigns

The traditional approach to marketing campaigns is very linear. There’s a start point and a finish line, and everything that happens between those two goalposts is assessed to decide whether the campaign was A Success or A Failure.


While effective in generating immediate leads, these limited campaigns often lack the sustainability needed for continuous growth. They’re only effective in the short term, with people who are already in the market for the solution or service in question. (Right place, right person, right time. Goal.)


But for those who aren’t ready to buy, these campaigns — brilliantly crafted, lovingly devised, expertly targeted (and, often, with the price tag to match) — are like a flash fire. They arrive with a bang, leave with a whimper, and are relegated to the ‘Cool Campaigns We Did’ archive.


Neat, but not the most effective use of your time or investment.


Traditional marketing campaigns also have a finite lifespan. Their impact lasts only as long as you’re manually cranking the engine (read: injecting funding). The moment you stop, impact drops off. Those people who you caught at the right time become leads, while anyone else who may have seen your ads continues scrolling and is promptly courted by another business vying for their attention.


It can be disheartening, for businesses. But, most importantly, it means you miss out on courting prospects that aren’t quite there yet. And those are the ones that would have made up most of your future sales.


The vast majority of your future buyers are not currently in the market for your solution.


According to LinkedIn, for every 100 potential customers your messaging reaches, only five will be actively looking to buy. That means that, at any time, your campaigns are only getting a handful of the right people at the right time.


Which is why we posit a shift in mindset: a move from one-off campaigns to the always-on demand engine.


Shifting mindsets: The case for B2B demand engines

Transitioning from goalpost marketing to always-on has become a necessity to get your message perpetually in front of target prospects at the right time. Which means having the right content available for people whenever they need it, wherever they are on their buying journey.


Unlike traditional campaigns, B2B demand engines focus on continuous lead generation, fuelled by data and requiring minimal ongoing effort. Demand engines work at their best when they are iteratively optimised.


By adopting demand engines, businesses can envision sustained growth and long-term success. It's not just about generating leads; it's about achieving marketing efficiency and unlocking the full potential of your strategies.



There will always be a place for traditional marketing campaigns. They remain the best way to get solid leads to start with at any moment. But introducing an always-on demand engine element to your marketing effort has the potential to be transformative for your business.


By creating a nurture journey that is suited to the asynchronous nature of modern B2B buying, you can make a continuous drip flow of leads with minimal effort not just a dream but a tangible reality.


Download our guide to creating a marketing demand engine to learn how you can start building your own perpetual motion machine of leads.

B2B Demand engines ebook

Demand Engines -Always on campaigns for a 50:1 ROI

Discover the transformative power of 'Always On' campaigns with "Demand Engines". This comprehensive guide reveals the strategies behind an astounding 50:1 ROI in the B2B sector. Delve into expert insights on audience engagement, the nuances of omnichannel strategies, and the art of data-driven decision-making. Don't let your marketing efforts fall behind; elevate your approach and witness unparalleled returns. 

<![CDATA[The Art of Nurturing Leads: A Guide to Buyer Psychology in B2B Marketing]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/the-art-of-nurturing-leads-a-comprehensive-guide-to-buyer-psychology-in-b2b-marketing651d22669c6018121398af3eMon, 30 Oct 2023 07:41:49 GMTRoger Wilks

The Art of Nurturing Leads: A Comprehensive Guide to Buyer Psychology in B2B Marketing

The Opening Act: Why Buyer Psychology and Lead Nurturing is the Cornerstone of B2B Marketing

You've captured a lead. Cue the applause, but let's not roll out the red carpet just yet. The pressing question remains: what's the next strategic move? How do you convert this initial spark into a roaring blaze of customer commitment? The answer lies in lead nurturing, but not just any nurturing—this is about data-driven lead nurturing fortified by a deep understanding of Buyer psychology in B2B marketing.

B2B Buyer Psychology

The Mind Games: Decoding the Psychology of Content Consumption in B2B Marketing

Why do some blog posts become the talk of the industry while others barely make a ripple? It's not solely about the quality of the content; it's about the psychological triggers that make it resonate with B2B decision-makers.

Emotional Triggers in B2B Marketing: Content that evokes a range of emotions—from joy to urgency—has a far greater chance of being consumed, shared, and acted upon within the B2B landscape.

Cognitive Biases in B2B Decision-Making: Terms like "Bandwagon Effect" or "Authority Bias" aren't just psychological buzzwords; they're actionable insights that can be leveraged to craft persuasive B2B content.

The golden rule is straightforward yet profound: understand the psychological drivers of your B2B audience, and your content becomes an unstoppable force in lead nurturing.

The Long Game: Mastering the Art of Lead Nurturing in B2B Marketing

Lead nurturing in B2B marketing is not a fleeting endeavour. It's a meticulously orchestrated campaign that starts with a single, impactful interaction.

First Impressions in B2B Sales: The initial touchpoint isn't just a fleeting moment; it's a critical juncture that sets the tone for a long-term business relationship.

Consistent Touchpoints for Customer Retention: Consistency isn't merely about frequency; it's about delivering meaningful interactions that build a fortress of trust and elevate your brand's authority.

Lead nurturing is a marathon, not a sprint, demanding a well-thought-out strategy and unwavering commitment to customer-centricity.

The Multi-Channel Symphony: Orchestrating B2B Engagement Across Platforms

Why limit yourself to a single channel when your B2B audience is a moving target, navigating through a maze of platforms?

Social Media in B2B Marketing: Far from being a millennial playground, social media serves as fertile ground for building brand awareness and fostering B2B community engagement.

Email Marketing for B2B Lead Nurturing: Despite the rise of new platforms, email remains the cornerstone for delivering personalised, laser-focused B2B communication.

Webinars for B2B Education and Engagement: Often overlooked, webinars are a goldmine for providing in-depth insights and adding immense value to the B2B nurturing process.

A multi-channel approach not only amplifies your reach but also fortifies your B2B lead nurturing endeavours, making them unassailable.

The Human Factor: Why AI Can't Replace Human Interaction in B2B Sales

Let's cut through the noise; automated chatbots can't replicate the depth of genuine human interaction, especially in complex B2B sales cycles.

Personalisation in B2B Sales: This isn't a cosmetic exercise; it's an intricate art of tailoring the entire sales dialogue to the unique needs and behaviours of B2B decision-makers.

Empathy in B2B Customer Relations: This is where you transition from being a mere vendor to becoming a trusted business advisor. Addressing the real challenges your B2B prospects face can elevate your brand to unparalleled heights.

The human touch isn't an optional luxury; it's the linchpin that can spell the difference between a B2B lead nurturing strategy that fizzles out and one that converts.

The Confluence of Art and Science in B2B Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is not a one-dimensional task. It's a confluence of the art of understanding human behaviour and the science of data-driven, multi-channel B2B engagement. So, the question that beckons is, are you prepared to master the dual roles of an artist and a scientist in the realm of B2B lead nurturing?

Demand Generation Engines for a 50:1 ROI


Intrigued to delve deeper into the labyrinth of B2B lead nurturing strategies? Take your understanding to the next level with our comprehensive eBook. Uncover expert insights, practical strategies, and the secrets to nurturing leads effectively in the B2B landscape. Don't miss out on this essential guide to elevate your marketing game.

<![CDATA[The Demand Engine: Your Last Mile in Lead Generation - A Comprehensive Analysis]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/the-demand-engine-your-last-mile-in-lead-generation-a-comprehensive-analysis651d32c71f3e74b4834ef615Wed, 18 Oct 2023 11:50:34 GMTRoger WilksWhat is a Demand Engine? The Unveiling of a Marketing Powerhouse

Let's cut to the chase. A demand engine is far more than a marketing buzzword; it's the linchpin of your entire lead generation ecosystem. Imagine a well-oiled machine that seamlessly integrates data analytics, content creation, and targeted distribution. This isn't just about generating leads; it's about nurturing them, guiding them through the labyrinthine sales funnel, and ultimately converting interest into actionable business outcomes. In a nutshell, your demand engine is your ultimate weapon for turning marketing potential into palpable profit.

Your Last Mile in Lead Generation

The Visual Deep Dive: The Comprehensive Workflow of a B2B Demand Engine

To truly grasp the complexity and the genius of a demand engine, one must delve into its intricate workings. This updated visual representation provides an even more detailed view, breaking down each step from data collection to sales conversion. It highlights the critical sub-steps like data cleaning, content types, metrics, and feedback loops that make the engine not just functional but exceptional.

The Comprehensive Workflow of a B2B Demand Engine

Audience Profiling: The Four Pillars—Firmographic, Technographic, Intent, Propensity Model

Audience profiling isn't a one-size-fits-all game. It's a nuanced art that requires a multi-faceted approach. Let's break it down:

  • Firmographic: Think of this as the demographics for companies. We're talking industry, size, location, and revenue. But why stop there? What about the company's growth trajectory or market share? The more granular you get, the better.

  • Technographic: This dives into the technology stack that a company uses. Are they cloud-based or on-premises? Do they use Salesforce or HubSpot? This information is gold when tailoring your product or service to meet the specific needs of your target audience.

  • Intent: This is where you get into the psyche of your audience. What are they actively searching for? What problems are they looking to solve? Understanding intent allows you to not just meet but anticipate the needs of your audience.

  • Propensity Model: This is the game-changer. A propensity model uses historical data to predict future behaviour. It's like having a crystal ball that tells you not just who your audience is but what they're likely to do next.

So, how well does your demand engine integrate these four pillars of audience profiling?

The Role of Good Data: The Backbone of Your Strategy

Data isn't just the new oil; it's the lifeblood coursing through the veins of your demand engine. Good data provides actionable insights that serve as the foundation for every strategic decision you make. From content ideation to audience targeting, data is your guiding star. But let's not forget the flip side: bad data. It's not just an inconvenience; it's a ticking time bomb that can derail your entire strategy, leading you down a rabbit hole of wasted resources and missed opportunities. So, the question beckons: how robust, how reliable, is your data?

The Importance of an Editorial Calendar: Your Strategic Roadmap

An editorial calendar is not just a timetable; it's the strategic blueprint of your demand engine. It meticulously outlines what content needs to be created, when it should be rolled out, and how it dovetails with your overarching business objectives. Without this roadmap, you're essentially flying blind, navigating the complex, often treacherous terrain of lead generation without any directional guidance. An editorial calendar ensures that every piece of content you produce is not just high-calibre but also timely, relevant, and aligned with your goals. So, have you charted your course, or are you still adrift?

Continuous Refinement: The Last Mile in Lead Generation Your Journey

You've gathered the data, you've churned out the content, and you've even pushed it out into the digital ether. But your journey is far from over. Now comes the last mile: continuous refinement. This is where the rubber meets the road. It's the phase where you scrutinise your engagement metrics, pore over customer feedback, and most crucially, measure your ROI. Based on these insights, you fine-tune your strategies, making iterative improvements that transform your demand engine from a static mechanism into a dynamic, ever-evolving entity. So, are you merely at the finish line, or are you ready to go the extra mile?

Human Element: The Unseen Challenges Lurking in the Shadows

Let's get candid; technology has its limitations. Even the most advanced demand engine can't replicate the nuanced understanding, the emotional intelligence, that only humans can provide. Marketers face a plethora of challenges that technology alone can't surmount. From interpreting subtle shifts in consumer behaviour to making real-time adjustments to strategies, the human element is irreplaceable. Without a well-functioning demand engine, these challenges can escalate from mere hurdles to insurmountable barriers. So, how well does your demand engine integrate the irreplaceable human element?

Summary: The Roadmap to a High-Octane Demand Engine

A demand engine is not a static construct; it's a dynamic, living entity that thrives on continuous refinement. By leveraging high-quality data, adhering to a meticulously crafted editorial calendar, and integrating the invaluable human element, you can supercharge your demand engine into a formidable lead generation powerhouse.

How to create a demand engine for a 50:1 ROI


Take your understanding to the next level with our comprehensive eBook. Uncover expert insights, practical strategies, and the secrets to nurturing leads effectively in the B2B landscape. Don't miss out on this essential guide to elevate your marketing game.

<![CDATA[The Missing Link: Continuity in B2B Marketing Campaigns - A Critical Analysis]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/the-missing-link-continuity-in-b2b-marketing-campaigns-a-critical-analysis651d6c3084ac38d2367fdc8cTue, 17 Oct 2023 08:10:07 GMTRoger WilksThe Problem with One-Off Campaigns: The Flash in the Pan

Let's get real. One-off campaigns are the marketing equivalent of a sugar rush—quick to spike interest but equally quick to crash and burn. They might generate a flurry of leads in the short term, but what happens when the dust settles? More often than not, these leads fizzle out, lost in the labyrinth of the sales pipeline, never to convert into actual customers. It's not just a missed opportunity; it's a glaring oversight that can cost your business dearly.

The Missing Link: Continuity in B2B Marketing Campaigns - A Critical Analysis

But let's dig deeper. Why do one-off campaigns fail to deliver long-term results? The answer lies in their very nature—they're transient. They lack the staying power to keep your audience engaged beyond the initial interaction. It's akin to lighting a firework; it dazzles for a moment but leaves nothing but smoke and ashes. So, are your marketing campaigns built for the sprint or the marathon?

The Journey from Stranger to Customer: A Tale of Two Paths

The journey from a stranger to a customer is not a straight line; it's a winding road fraught with twists and turns. But what differentiates a successful journey from a failed one? The answer is continuity. To illustrate this point, let's delve into the visual element—a timeline that delineates the buyer's journey with and without continuity.

The Journey from Stranger to Customer: A Tale of Two Paths

The expanded timeline reveals a stark contrast. In the absence of continuity, the journey is fragmented, disjointed, and ultimately unfulfilling. Leads are generated but not nurtured, creating a chasm between initial interest and final conversion. It's like embarking on a road trip without a map; you might enjoy the ride, but you'll likely end up lost.

The Role of Continuity in B2B Marketing: The Glue that Binds

Continuity is not just a strategy; it's the glue that binds all your marketing efforts together. It ensures that your leads are not just generated but nurtured, engaged, and ultimately converted into loyal customers. Continuity is what turns a one-off interaction into a lasting relationship. It's the thread that weaves through every touchpoint, every interaction, ensuring that your brand remains top-of-mind for your prospects.

But let's get specific. Continuity in B2B marketing involves a multi-tiered approach that spans across various channels—from email marketing to social media, from webinars to whitepapers. It's about creating a cohesive narrative that resonates with your target audience, irrespective of where they are in the sales funnel. So, how seamless is the continuity in your B2B marketing campaigns?

Human Element: The Cost of Discontinuity—A Cautionary Tale

Let's pivot to the human element. Imagine a B2B tech company that invested heavily in a one-off campaign targeting CTOs of mid-sized firms. The campaign was a hit, generating a surge of high-quality leads. But then, radio silence. The company failed to follow up, leaving these hot leads to go cold. Six months later, one of these leads signed a six-figure contract with a competitor.

The lack of continuity didn't just result in a missed opportunity; it was a costly blunder that had a tangible impact on the bottom line. It's a cautionary tale that underscores the perils of neglecting continuity in your marketing strategy. So, what's your cautionary tale? Have you ever let a golden opportunity slip through your fingers due to a lack of foresight and planning?

Summary: The Road to Continuity—Your Missing Link

Continuity is not an option; it's a necessity. It's the missing link that can make or break your B2B marketing campaigns. By ensuring a seamless transition from lead generation to customer conversion, continuity can transform your sales pipeline from a leaky bucket into a well-oiled machine.



Take your understanding to the next level with our comprehensive eBook. Uncover expert insights, practical strategies, and the secrets to nurturing leads effectively in the B2B landscape. Don't miss out on this essential guide to elevate your marketing game.

<![CDATA[Channel Partner: Identifying Key Decision Makers in Potential Partnerships]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/identifying-key-decision-makers-in-potential-partnerships648880e2912ec05cdede4afdMon, 09 Oct 2023 08:17:02 GMTRoger WilksIn the strategic game of building partnerships, one move can make all the difference: identifying the key decision makers. It's like knowing the right pieces to move on a chessboard. You need to understand their roles, their influence, and their potential impact on your partnership goals.

Unlocking successful channel partnerships starts with identifying the key decision-makers.

Identifying key decision makers is a crucial first step in building a successful partnership. It's not just about knowing who holds the top positions in an organisation. It's about understanding who has the power to approve or reject a partnership proposal, who influences these decisions, and who will be your main point of contact throughout the partnership journey.

Why Identifying Key Decision Makers Matters

Partnership decisions aren't made in isolation. They're typically the result of discussions and decisions made by a group of key decision makers. These individuals have the power to greenlight your partnership and pave the way for a successful collaboration.

But finding these key decision makers can be a complex task. Organisational structures can be intricate, roles can overlap, and the decision-making process can be opaque. So, how do you navigate this complexity and identify the right people to engage with?

Navigating the Organisational Structure

The first step in identifying key decision makers is understanding the organisational structure of your potential partner. This involves researching the company, understanding the hierarchy, and identifying the roles and responsibilities of key individuals.

Start by looking at the company's website, LinkedIn profiles, and any other public resources that provide information about the company's structure. Look for individuals in roles that are likely to be involved in partnership decisions, such as executives, directors of partnerships or business development, and team leaders in relevant departments.

Understanding Roles and Responsibilities

Once you've identified potential key decision makers, the next step is to understand their roles and responsibilities. This involves understanding what they do, what their priorities are, and how they might be involved in a partnership.

For example, a Director of Partnerships might be responsible for identifying and managing strategic partnerships, while a Team Leader in a relevant department might be responsible for implementing the partnership at an operational level. Understanding these roles can help you tailor your approach and your value proposition to meet their specific needs and priorities.

Targeting Your Engagement Efforts

With a clear understanding of the key decision makers and their roles, you can now target your engagement efforts effectively. This involves reaching out to these individuals, presenting your value proposition, and building a relationship with them.

Remember, building a successful partnership is not a one-time transaction. It's a long-term relationship that requires ongoing engagement and communication. So, make sure to keep the lines of communication open, provide regular updates, and continually demonstrate the value that your tech brand can bring to the partnership.

In conclusion

Identifying key decision makers is a crucial step in building successful partnerships. It's about understanding the organisational structure of your potential partner, understanding the roles and responsibilities of key individuals, and targeting your engagement efforts effectively. By doing so, you can increase your chances of building a successful and mutually beneficial partnership.

In our next post, we'll delve into the next step in the partnership journey: developing a compelling value proposition. Stay tuned!§

The channel partner acquisition eBook

Our Channel Partner Acquisition eBook is your ultimate guide to building successful partnerships that will drive growth for your business. Learn how to identify, recruit and nurture channel partners, create compelling partner programmes, and measure partnership success.

Download now and start building successful partnerships!

<![CDATA[Balancing Automation and Personalisation: Infusing the Human Touch in a Digital World]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/balancing-automation-and-personalisation-infusing-the-human-touch-in-a-digital-world646218a5bfd1212a80cadc96Sun, 21 May 2023 16:19:35 GMTRoger WilksBusinesses today face the challenge of striking a delicate balance between automation and personalisation. Technology has revolutionised customer engagement, but the human touch remains essential for forging meaningful connections. Finding the equilibrium where automation and personalisation coexist harmoniously is key to delivering exceptional customer experiences. In this article, we delve into the significance of achieving this balance and explore strategies for infusing the human touch in the digital realm.

Balancing Automation and Personalisation: Infusing the Human Touch in a Digital World

Automation has undoubtedly transformed the efficiency and scalability of customer interactions. From chatbots to automated email campaigns, businesses have embraced automation to streamline processes, maintain consistent messaging, and handle routine tasks. However, relying solely on automation can risk depersonalising the customer experience, leaving individuals feeling like mere data points in a digital system.

To mitigate this risk, personalisation becomes paramount. Customers crave individualised experiences that make them feel seen, understood, and valued. Tailoring interactions based on customer preferences, behaviours, and past engagements is crucial for establishing a sense of connection. Personalisation can range from addressing customers by their names in emails to recommending products or services based on their specific needs and purchase history.

A strategic approach to balancing automation and personalisation involves using automation to enhance personalisation. By harnessing customer data and advanced analytics, businesses can automate the delivery of targeted, personalised messages and recommendations. This approach ensures greater efficiency while still maintaining a personal touch. For example, an e-commerce platform can employ automated algorithms to suggest products based on a customer's browsing history, previous purchases, and preferences. By combining the power of automation with personalisation, businesses can create more relevant and engaging experiences for their customers.

However, there are instances where the human touch is irreplaceable. When faced with complex issues, sensitive situations, or moments requiring empathy and emotional intelligence, human interaction becomes essential. Customers value the ability to connect with knowledgeable and empathetic representatives who can address their concerns and provide tailored solutions. Striking a balance between automation and personalisation entails seamlessly transitioning from automated interactions to human-to-human engagement.

Implementing channels for human interaction, such as live chat or phone support, ensures that customers have access to real-time assistance when needed. This human touch adds an element of trust, reassurance, and a personalised connection that automation alone cannot replicate. Businesses should empower their customer service teams with the tools and training needed to deliver exceptional experiences, focusing on active listening, problem-solving skills, and the ability to connect with customers on a deeper level.

Regular evaluation of the effectiveness of automation and personalisation efforts is also crucial. Customer feedback, analytics, and A/B testing provide valuable insights into the impact of automation and personalisation on the customer experience. Monitoring metrics such as customer satisfaction, response times, and conversion rates enables businesses to fine-tune their strategies and strike the optimal balance between automation and personalisation.

In conclusion, achieving a human touch in a digital world requires a thoughtful blend of automation and personalisation. Businesses must leverage automation to streamline processes, maintain consistent messaging, and enhance personalisation. Simultaneously, they must recognise the intrinsic value of human interaction, particularly in complex or emotionally charged situations. Striking the right balance ensures that customers receive personalised experiences that make them feel valued while benefiting from the efficiency and scalability of automation. By finding this equilibrium, businesses can create customer-centric experiences that build trust, loyalty, and lasting relationships in the digital era.

<![CDATA[Why it’s time to ditch MQLs and start focusing on SRLs (sales ready leads)]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/why-it-s-time-to-ditch-mql-s-and-start-focusing-on-srl-s6459e33e67da4e16bcb1c7fbSun, 21 May 2023 16:11:12 GMTRoger WilksUnderstanding the Shift from MQLs to SRLs in B2B SaaS Marketing

As a marketer in the B2B SaaS industry, understanding the difference between "Marketing Qualified Lead" (MQL) and "Sales Ready Lead" (SRL) is crucial for enhancing conversion rates and overall sales effectiveness. The shift from MQLs to SRLs can fundamentally transform how sales and marketing teams operate, driving better alignment and more efficient use of resources.

Why it’s time to ditch MQL’s and start focusing on SRL’s

What Are MQLs?

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) are prospects who have engaged with your marketing efforts—filling out forms, downloading whitepapers, or attending webinars. These leads signal interest but are not always ready to purchase. Forrester Research highlights that fewer than 1% of MQLs convert into closed deals, indicating a significant misallocation of marketing resources​ (Forrester)​.

MQLs serve as early indicators of interest but often fall short of converting into Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). This gap reveals inefficiencies in the traditional lead generation process, where a large volume of leads does not necessarily translate to high conversion rates. Forrester’s 2021 B2B Buying Survey confirms that MQL-centric approaches often fail to account for the complexities of B2B buying decisions, which typically involve multiple stakeholders​ (Forrester)​.

What Are SRLs?

Sales Ready Leads (SRLs) are prospects who have shown strong interest through direct interactions with sales representatives, positioning them further along in the sales cycle. SRLs provide a more accurate indicator of a lead's readiness to buy. The B2B Lead Generation Benchmark Report by MarketingSherpa reports a 10% conversion rate from MQL to SQL, compared to a 50% conversion rate from SRL to SQL, underscoring the efficacy of focusing on SRLs​ (Forrester)​.

SRLs are identified through deeper engagement, enabling a more targeted and effective sales approach. These leads have engaged meaningfully with the company, allowing sales teams to tailor their strategies to meet the specific needs and readiness of these prospects.

Benefits of SRLs

SRLs yield valuable insights through direct conversations, allowing sales teams to better understand customer needs, preferences, and objections. A Harvard Business Review study found that sales representatives with deep customer knowledge are 70% more likely to meet their quotas, highlighting the importance of focusing on SRLs for better conversion rates​ (Forrester)​.

Focusing on SRLs also enhances the alignment between sales and marketing teams. When both teams concentrate on nurturing leads that are closer to making a purchase decision, the sales cycle shortens, and resources are used more efficiently, leading to a more streamlined and effective sales funnel.

Optimising Demand Generation

Tailoring your approach to demand generation involves nurturing MQLs through educational content like email campaigns and webinars, moving them closer to becoming SRLs. For SRLs, the focus shifts to closing the sale, using insights from direct interactions to personalise sales pitches.

Effective demand generation requires a dual strategy: educating MQLs to advance them to the next stage and refining the sales process for SRLs to ensure a higher conversion rate. This approach leverages the strengths of both lead types, ensuring a robust and efficient sales funnel that maximises conversion rates and overall effectiveness.

The Future of B2B SaaS Marketing

At Quantum Marketing, we prioritise qualifying leads to an SRL level before passing them to clients. This strategy enhances conversion rates and aims for a 50 to 1 return on marketing investment. Shifting your focus from MQLs to SRLs can streamline your sales process and yield better business outcomes.

The future of B2B SaaS marketing lies in recognising the limitations of MQLs and embracing the potential of SRLs. By doing so, businesses can achieve higher conversion rates, more efficient sales cycles, and ultimately, greater success in their marketing efforts. Embracing SRLs not only improves the alignment between sales and marketing teams but also ensures that resources are directed towards leads with the highest potential for conversion.

For more insights, get in touch.

<![CDATA[Realising the Potential of Propensity Data: A Game-Changer in Demand Marketing]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/unleashing-the-potential-of-propensity-data-a-game-changer-in-demand-marketing64621500120cae46b4d44939Mon, 15 May 2023 14:50:11 GMTRoger WilksIn the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, where data reigns supreme, one concept has emerged as a game-changer: propensity data. The power to harness this valuable resource has transformed demand marketing strategies, enabling businesses to target the right audience with unprecedented precision and unlock new avenues for growth. In this article, we explore the potential of propensity data and how it can revolutionise demand marketing efforts.

Realising the Potential of Propensity Data: A Game-Changer in Demand Marketing

Propensity data refers to information that provides insights into the likelihood of a prospect or customer taking a particular action. It goes beyond basic demographics and encompasses behavioural patterns, purchase history, online interactions, and other relevant indicators. By analysing this data, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of their audience's preferences, intentions, and propensities to engage in specific activities.

The true value of propensity data lies in its ability to drive highly targeted marketing campaigns. With access to accurate insights, businesses can identify prospects who are most likely to convert and focus their resources on engaging with them. This precision targeting ensures that marketing efforts are not wasted on uninterested or unqualified leads, resulting in improved conversion rates and higher returns on investment.

To unleash the potential of propensity data, businesses must adopt a data-driven approach. This entails leveraging advanced analytics tools and techniques to extract meaningful patterns and trends from vast datasets. Machine learning algorithms and predictive modelling can help identify predictive factors and create propensity models that estimate the likelihood of desired actions. By integrating these models into demand marketing strategies, businesses can enhance customer segmentation, personalised messaging, and campaign optimisation.

One significant application of propensity data is in intent-based marketing. By monitoring online behaviour and signals such as search queries, website visits, and content consumption, businesses can detect signals of intent, indicating a prospect's readiness to make a purchase or engage further. Leveraging propensity data in intent-based marketing allows businesses to seize opportunities at the right moment, delivering timely and relevant messaging that resonates with the prospect's needs.

Another aspect of propensity data is its role in customer retention and upselling. By analysing past purchase history, customer interactions, and preferences, businesses can identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Propensity data helps tailor personalised offers, recommendations, and targeted communications that nurture existing customers and foster long-term loyalty.

However, harnessing the power of propensity data comes with responsibility. Businesses must prioritise data privacy and security, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and protecting customer information. Transparent data governance practices build trust with customers, fostering a positive relationship built on respect and integrity.

In conclusion, propensity data has emerged as a game-changer in demand marketing. By leveraging this valuable resource, businesses can target their marketing efforts with unprecedented precision, driving higher conversion rates and optimising return on investment. The integration of propensity data in demand marketing strategies opens up new avenues for growth, enabling businesses to deliver personalised experiences, seize intent-based opportunities, and foster long-term customer loyalty. As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, embracing propensity data is not just a competitive advantage but a necessity for businesses striving for success in the digital age.

<![CDATA[Unleashing the Power of Demand Marketing Engines for your B2B Campaigns]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/unleashing-the-power-of-demand-marketing-engines645e42efda1f470c0c72ea04Fri, 12 May 2023 14:03:41 GMTquantummarketingIn the fast-paced world of technology, where ambitions run high, one question looms large in the minds of clients seeking growth and success: "How do I create a consistent demand marketing engine that works into the long term?" This burning question reverberates in the boardrooms and conference rooms, where sales and marketing teams grapple with the challenges of the digital age. However, a wave of enlightened leaders is emerging, recognising the futility of repeating the same strategies and expecting different outcomes. They understand that short-term fixes might provide a temporary boost to the sales pipeline, but they fail to address the crux of the matter—long-term audience engagement.

Unleashing the Power of Demand Marketing Engines

In this pursuit of a sustainable demand marketing engine, numerous obstacles have hindered progress, casting shadows on the path to success. These stumbling blocks include the plague of rubbish data, a dearth of relevant content, an overwhelming volume of ineffective tactical campaigns, and the inadequacy of conventional success metrics. Frustrated and eager for change, many leaders find themselves at a crossroads, unsure of where to begin or whom to turn to for guidance.

However, hope shines on the horizon.

With over 25 years of experience in the field, we have dedicated ourselves to constructing and refining a demand marketing engine that transcends limitations. Our approach revolves around the seamless integration of four key components:

Firstly, highly targeted propensity data lies at the core of our methodology. By harnessing the power of data analytics, including intent surges, we identify and connect with the most promising prospects. This precision targeting ensures that our efforts are directed towards those individuals most likely to become loyal customers.

Secondly, our strategy embraces multi-channel engagement. In an era where B2B buyer and seller transactions are projected to be predominantly digital within the next couple of years, our clients recognise the importance of reaching their audience through various channels. Be it through social media, email marketing, or other digital platforms, we ensure a comprehensive presence that resonates with their evolving preferences.

Thirdly, we understand the value of long-term nurturing. Modern customers demand more than a fleeting interaction; they seek relationships built on trust and continuous engagement. By employing carefully crafted nurturing techniques, we cultivate connections that withstand the test of time. Our commitment to building lasting customer relationships paves the way for sustained success.

Finally, human-to-human interaction, but only when the time is right, forms the cornerstone of our approach. We acknowledge that despite the prevalence of digital interactions, there remains a fundamental human aspect to business relationships. Our team of skilled professionals stands ready to provide personal guidance and support when prospects are primed for human interaction. By aligning our efforts with their readiness, we enhance the effectiveness of each interaction, nurturing leads towards conversion.

The winds of change are blowing, and the digital landscape is rapidly evolving. To survive and thrive in this dynamic environment, businesses must embrace a demand marketing engine for thier B2B campaigns to empower them for the long haul. If you find yourself yearning for transformation, uncertain of where to begin, we invite you to embark on this journey with us. Let us guide you towards a future where consistency, growth, and engagement converge.

To learn more about our approach and how it can revolutionise your marketing efforts, simply get in touch.

<![CDATA[The Importance of Understanding and Providing Value to Potential Channel Partners]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/the-importance-of-understanding-and-providing-value-to-potential-channel-partners6459ed3748e9977ce5604d62Tue, 09 May 2023 06:57:48 GMTRoger WilksBuilding relationships with potential channel partners is a crucial step in the channel partner acquisition process. These relationships can be the key to unlocking new revenue streams, expanding your market reach, and driving business growth. But building strong relationships with potential partners takes time, effort, and a clear strategy. In this post, we'll discuss some best practices for building relationships with potential channel partners, including some interesting statistics.

The Importance of Understanding and Providing Value to Potential Channel Partners

A recent study found that companies with strong channel partner relationships see an average of 29% higher revenue growth compared to those without strong relationships. This highlights the importance of building strong relationships with potential partners in order to drive business growth.

One of the most important things when building relationships with potential partners is to understand their business. This means researching their company, their target market, and their products or services. It's important to understand their pain points and business objectives, so you can tailor your approach and show them how your company can help them achieve their goals.

Trust is the foundation of any successful partnership. To build trust with potential partners, you'll need to demonstrate your knowledge, expertise, and commitment to their success. A survey found that 84% of channel partners said trust is the most important factor when choosing a vendor to work with.

Communication is key when building relationships with potential partners. It's important to establish clear lines of communication and to respond to their inquiries and concerns in a timely manner. Make sure you are always available to answer questions and provide support.

Providing value to potential partners is another crucial step in building strong relationships. Potential partners want to know what's in it for them. To build strong relationships, you'll need to demonstrate how your company can provide value to their business. A study found that 61% of channel partners said they want vendors to help them increase their revenue.

The building relationship process is not a quick one. It takes time to build trust and establish effective communication. Be patient and take your time to understand their business, build trust, and establish effective communication.

Offering support and resources to potential partners is also a great way to build strong relationships. This might include providing training, marketing materials, or other tools that will help them promote your products or services.

Working with a partner who has experience in channel partner acquisition can also help you navigate this process and achieve success. They can help you identify the right partners, onboard them, and manage the relationships effectively.

In conclusion, building relationships with potential channel partners is a crucial step in the channel partner acquisition process. By understanding their business, building trust, communicating effectively, providing value, being patient, offering support and resources and working with a partner, you'll be well on your way to building strong, long-lasting partnerships. With statistics showing the importance of building strong relationships to drive revenue growth and increase trust, it's vital to make it a priority. If you're looking for support and guidance in providing value to your potential channel partners, contact us today.

The Partner Acquisition ebook

The Partner Acquisition ebook

Our Channel Partner Acquisition eBook is your ultimate guide to building successful partnerships that will drive growth for your business. Learn how to identify, recruit and nurture channel partners, create compelling partner programmes, and measure partnership success. Download now and start building successful partnerships!

<![CDATA[Unlocking the Power of Channel Partner Performance: Strategies for Success]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/unlocking-the-power-of-partner-performance-strategies-for-success6459eae565db762c37ab1125Tue, 09 May 2023 06:45:00 GMTRoger WilksManaging and measuring channel partner performance is a crucial aspect of channel partner acquisition and management. It entails setting specific objectives, monitoring progress, and taking action to ensure that partners are meeting or exceeding expectations. By effectively managing and measuring partner performance, companies can ensure that their channel partnerships are mutually beneficial and drive increased revenue.

Unlocking the Power of Channel Partner Performance

According to research by the Partner Relationship Management Institute (PRMI), companies with a formal partner performance management process see 25% higher revenue growth from their partners compared to those without one. Additionally, a survey conducted by Forrester revealed that companies with a well-defined partner performance management process are almost twice as likely to achieve their revenue goals from partners.

To manage and measure channel partner performance effectively, it is crucial to establish clear goals and metrics for the partnership. This includes setting sales targets, mutually agreed-upon marketing strategies, and regular performance evaluations. It's also important to establish clear communication channels and establish a single point of contact for ongoing support.

Providing partners with the necessary resources and support to be successful is also key to managing partner performance. This includes product training, sales support, and marketing materials. Regular performance feedback, both positive and corrective, is also essential to help partners identify areas where they need to improve and take corrective action.

To measure partner performance, companies should establish a system for tracking and monitoring progress. This includes monitoring sales performance, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and regularly reviewing performance data. This will help identify any areas where partners may be struggling and provide additional support as needed.

Underperforming partners should be addressed through a process that may include additional training, increased support, or even terminating the partnership if necessary.

Managing and measuring partner performance is a vital aspect of channel partner acquisition and management. By setting clear goals, tracking progress, and taking action to ensure that partners are meeting or exceeding expectations, companies can ensure that their channel partnerships are mutually beneficial and drive increased revenue.

Ready to start unlocking the power of your channel partner performance?

Maximising Channel partner engagement ebook

Maximising partner engagement

"Maximising channel partner engagement" is an essential ebook for improving sales through effective partner engagement. It offers practical tips and strategies for building strong partnerships, with real-world examples and case studies. Download it now to drive business growth.

<![CDATA[Eco-Friendly Demand Generation: Attracting the Green-Minded Enterprise Tech Consumers of Tomorrow]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/eco-friendly-demand-generation-attracting-the-green-minded-enterprise-tech-consumers-of-tomorrow6459e6c3529a4b7333be4aa2Tue, 09 May 2023 06:27:54 GMTRoger WilksIn an age where climate change's impact is becoming increasingly apparent, businesses and consumers are taking active steps to reduce their environmental footprint. The technology industry is no exception to this trend, with a growing emphasis on eco-friendly products and services. To keep up with the green-minded enterprise customers, tech companies must adapt their demand generation strategies to incorporate sustainable and eco-friendly practices. So, what exactly can tech companies do to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers? Let's explore some creative ways to drive demand for eco-friendly offerings and back them up with intriguing statistics and actionable tips.

Eco-Friendly Demand Generation: Attracting the Green-Minded Enterprise Tech Consumers of Tomorrow

The Green Factor: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing

The Accenture study revealing that 62% of consumers prefer purchasing from companies committed to reducing their environmental impact indicates the need for tech companies to focus on sustainable design and manufacturing processes. By using energy-efficient components, recyclable materials, and minimising waste, tech companies can set themselves apart in the market. Highlight these sustainable features in marketing materials and product descriptions to demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility and attract eco-conscious consumers.

Power to Save: Energy-Efficient Solutions

With the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) stating that the ICT sector can reduce global carbon emissions by 20% by 2030 through energy efficiency improvements, tech companies should invest in developing energy-efficient solutions. These may include data centres with advanced cooling systems, low-power consumption devices, and resource-optimizing software. Emphasise the energy-saving benefits of these products and services in marketing campaigns to appeal to green-minded consumers.

Clarity Matters: Transparency on Environmental Impact

A Nielsen survey suggests that 73% of global consumers would change their consumption habits to reduce their environmental impact. Tech companies should be transparent about the environmental impact of their products and services. Sharing information on carbon emissions, water usage, and waste generated during production helps demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and allows consumers to make informed decisions.

Green Stamp of Approval: Partnering with Eco-Friendly Certifications and Standards

With a Cone Communications study revealing that 87% of consumers trust and purchase products from companies that support social or environmental issues, it's crucial for tech companies to adhere to established environmental standards such as Energy Star, EPEAT, and TCO Certified. Promoting these certifications in marketing materials can boost credibility and generate demand from environmentally aware customers.

The Art of Green Messaging: Marketing Campaigns that Resonate

The 2020 IBM Marketing Trends Report found that 78% of consumers believe brands should help them make a difference in the world. Integrating eco-friendly messaging and imagery in marketing campaigns can resonate with consumers who prioritise sustainability. Share success stories, sustainability goals, milestones, and the positive environmental impact of products and services.

Building Green Connections: Engaging with Eco-Conscious Communities and Influencers

The Influencer Marketing Hub reported that 61% of consumers rely on social media influencers to make purchasing decisions. Collaborating with influencers who advocate for green practices can amplify a company's message and reach a wider audience. Participation in online forums, social media discussions, and industry events can demonstrate commitment to sustainability and connect with potential customers with shared values.

Rewarding Green Choices: Offering Incentives for Eco-Friendly Behaviour

A Futerra survey indicates that 88% of consumers want brands to help them live more sustainably. Tech companies can encourage environmentally conscious behaviour by offering incentives such as discounts, rebates, or loyalty rewards for customers who choose eco-friendly options. Implement trade-in programs that reward customers for recycling their old devices or provide discounts on energy-efficient upgrades.

The Power of Knowledge: Educating Customers on Eco-Friendly Tech

A study by the Capgemini Research Institute shows that 66% of consumers consider sustainability when making a purchase decision. Tech companies can tap into this mindset by providing resources and information on the benefits of eco-friendly technology. This includes discussing energy conservation, waste reduction, and the long-term financial advantages of sustainable solutions. Develop educational content, such as blog posts, infographics, webinars, and whitepapers, to help customers understand the value of eco-friendly tech and how it contributes to a greener future.


In today's environmentally conscious market, tech companies must adapt their demand generation strategies to align with the values of green-minded enterprise customers. By emphasising sustainability in product design and manufacturing, offering energy-efficient solutions, providing transparency on environmental impact, partnering with eco-friendly certifications and standards, incorporating green messaging in marketing campaigns, engaging with eco-conscious communities and influencers, offering incentives for eco-friendly choices, and educating customers on the benefits of eco-friendly tech, companies can attract a growing segment of eco-conscious consumers and drive demand for their sustainable products and services. By doing so, tech companies not only contribute to a greener future but also position themselves as leaders in the ever-evolving, environmentally responsible technology landscape. Embracing this green shift is not only essential for the planet but also a smart business move, as it resonates with the values of an increasingly eco-aware customer base.

<![CDATA[Maximising Your ABM Strategy During Economic Uncertainty]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/maximising-your-abm-strategy-during-economic-uncertainty6459e386db66f20a61a82a3fTue, 09 May 2023 06:21:24 GMTRoger WilksThe state of the global economy is always fluctuating and during periods of economic uncertainty, it is essential for marketers to understand the changing patterns of purchase decision-makers and adjust their strategies accordingly. Recessions, defined as a significant decline in economic activity, have a direct impact on marketing and companies typically tighten their budgets during these times. As a result, B2B sales funnels have become longer, more complex, and involve more decision-makers, making it more challenging for marketers to reach a consensus and close deals quickly.

Maximising Your ABM Strategy During Economic Uncertainty

The global downturn has changed the way buyers and sellers interact, and marketers must adapt to these changes and adopt new approaches to capture the attention and dollars of buyers. While some companies may choose to scale back during tough economic times, marketers must drive demand using smarter strategies that rely on data to focus their investments on a full-funnel, always-on approach.

A data-driven, full-funnel account-based marketing (ABM) strategy allows marketers to gain a better understanding of shifting buyer behaviours and priorities, and to deliver content that resonates with the needs of their audience. According to Gartner, the typical buying group for a complex B2B solution involves six to ten decision-makers, each with their unique perspective and priorities.

Marketers can leverage data from customer relationship management systems, marketing automation platforms, and content channels to create customised ABM campaigns that deliver personalised content throughout the buying journey. Here are three ways in which data can boost the efficiency of ABM:

Identify the Accounts Most Likely to Buy

Data is crucial in understanding which accounts are actively in-market and who within these accounts is engaging with relevant content and messaging. B2B research and historical engagement provide valuable information on the topics that are most important to the accounts. For example, A recent research study on the purchase decisions surrounding cloud-based solutions for the retail industry found a surge in demand for omnichannel retail technology. This data highlights the importance of offering a seamless shopping experience across all channels, both online and offline, for retailers. This can provide a new opportunity for marketers to target this audience with tailored solutions to help retailers streamline their omnichannel operations and increase customer satisfaction.

Personalise the Buyer Experience

Up to 90% of the buyer's journey is complete before a prospect reaches out to a salesperson, and effective marketers engage with their prospects throughout the entire funnel. Data stored across multiple solutions can be used to create personalised content that speaks to the challenges and needs of each decision-maker at every stage of the buying journey. This allows for more personalised messaging and content to maximise account engagement and drive higher account engagement through a persistent presence in the market.

Uncover Pipeline and Revenue Impact

Teams can better understand account development by analysing engagement and pipeline-impact data. Instead of focusing on vanity metrics such as impressions, open rates, site visits, and downloads, prioritise data points such as changes in pipeline volume, velocity, and measurable account value. These insights allow for a data-driven approach to campaign optimisation that generates more revenue from target accounts, improves the ROI of marketing efforts, and increases win rates through more relevant and personalised marketing content for target accounts.

A full-funnel ABM strategy powered by data enables marketing teams to work smarter during difficult economic periods. With data-driven insights, marketers can effectively adjust their strategies and tactics in response to shifting buyer priorities and set their organisation up for success in a challenging market.

Need help with your ABM strategy?

At Quantum Marketing Group, we believe in delivering results, not just services. Our team of marketing experts will work closely with you to deliver measurable outcomes that help you achieve your marketing goals. Whether you're looking at maximising your ABM strategy, generating leads, or increasing your customer engagement, we are here to help.

How to drive profit from Account-Based Marketing

How to drive profit from Account-Based Marketing

The main reason why ABM has caught the imagination of the marketing community is simple: it’s proven to deliver results. With it comes the ability to deliver more meaningful and relevant messages that are tailored to a precise audience. But then you already knew that. What you possibly don’t know so well are the key factors behind a successful ABM programme, or the main pitfalls to avoid.

At least until you opened this ebook…

<![CDATA[Why so many Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) don't convert to become sales]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/why-so-many-marketing-qualified-leads-never-become-sales6459e0d248c5383cc2628c59Tue, 09 May 2023 06:06:38 GMTRoger WilksGenerating Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) is an essential part of a successful marketing strategy. However, despite the best efforts of marketers, many MQLs never convert into Sales Qualified Opportunities (SQOs) or sales. This can be a frustrating and costly situation, and it's important to understand why it happens. In this article, we'll explore the main reasons why MQLs fail to convert and provide insights on how to avoid this scenario.

Why so many marketing qualified leads never become sales

Why So Many Marketing Qualified Leads Never Become Sales

Poor Lead Nurturing

One of the main reasons MQLs don't convert is due to poor lead nurturing. MQLs are usually found at the top of the sales funnel, which means they have only shown interest in your product or service through their interactions with your marketing efforts. They are not yet ready to make a purchase decision and need to be guided through the rest of the sales funnel. Proper lead nurturing requires targeted content, personalised communication, and tailored offers. If this is not executed correctly, MQLs may never convert into SQOs or sales.

Lack of Alignment Between Marketing and Sales Teams

Another factor that contributes to MQLs failing to convert is a lack of alignment between marketing and sales teams. Marketing should generate leads that are relevant, qualified, and ready to be handed off to sales. Sales should then be equipped to handle these leads and move them through the sales process to become SQOs. If there is a lack of alignment between marketing and sales, MQLs may slip through the cracks and never convert into opportunities or sales. Unfortunately, this scenario is common, with only 25% of MQLs converting into sales opportunities, according to LeadSpace.

Insufficient Follow-Up

Insufficient follow-up is another reason MQLs fail to convert. Once a potential customer is handed off to the sales team, it is the responsibility of the sales representative to follow up and move them through the sales process. This often requires phone calls, emails, and face-to-face meetings. If follow-up is not done in a timely and consistent manner, the potential customer may lose interest or go elsewhere. HubSpot reports that 35-50% of sales go to the vendor who responds first.

Ignoring Unqualified MQLs

One issue that is often overlooked is that MQLs that are not highly qualified will be ignored by the sales team, who will concentrate their efforts on leads that require less nurturing. In many cases, salespeople do not have the means to properly nurture the leads to the point where they are ready for a conversation. This can result in MQLs being discarded or ignored, leading to a waste of valuable marketing resources.

How to Ensure MQLs Convert into Sales

To ensure that your MQLs convert into SQOs and sales, it's essential to focus on lead nurturing, alignment between marketing and sales teams, and effective follow-up. Lead nurturing involves educating potential customers and guiding them through the sales funnel by providing them with relevant information and personalised communication. Aligning your marketing and sales teams is crucial to ensure leads are being generated and handled efficiently. Effective follow-up is equally important, as it keeps the sales representative in contact with the potential customer and maintains their interest in your product or service.


In conclusion, to avoid the common scenario of MQLs failing to convert, it's important to understand the reasons why it happens and to focus on lead nurturing, alignment between marketing and sales teams, and effective follow-up. It's also crucial to acknowledge the issue of unqualified leads being ignored by sales teams and to address it through proper nurturing and sales team training.

If you're struggling with your sales pipeline, consider reaching out to Quantum Marketing Group. As a B2B demand generation agency, our team of experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive nurturing strategy that will help you generate sales appointments. We'll help you align your marketing and sales efforts to improve conversion rates and enhance your overall lead generation success.

<![CDATA[The Power of Gamification: Boosting B2B Demand Generation in the Tech Sector with Playful Marketing.]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/the-power-of-gamification-boosting-demand-generation-in-the-tech-sector-with-playful-marketing64466e4b18e1eb504d7e8d6dThu, 04 May 2023 12:48:36 GMTRoger WilksIn the ever-evolving world of technology, innovative marketing strategies are essential to engage audiences and generate demand. Gamification has emerged as an effective approach that enables tech companies to create memorable experiences, captivate customers, and drive interest in their products and services. In this article, we will delve into the role of gamification in B2B demand generation and highlight examples of successful tech companies that have utilised this playful marketing strategy to bolster sales.

Boosting Demand Generation in the Tech Sector with Playful Marketing.

The Psychology Behind Gamification: Unleashing the Power of Play

Gamification leverages the innate human desire for competition, achievement, and enjoyment. By incorporating game mechanics such as points, badges, and leaderboards into marketing campaigns, tech companies can encourage their target audience to engage with their brand, complete desired actions, and share their experiences with others. This not only propels demand generation but also nurtures brand loyalty and advocacy.

Gamification in Action: Celebrating Success Stories

  1. Microsoft's Ribbon Hero In 2010, Microsoft unveiled Ribbon Hero, a gamified learning application designed for Microsoft Office users. The game enticed users to complete various tasks using the software's features, earning points and unlocking achievements in the process. Ribbon Hero successfully generated interest in Microsoft Office, boosting user engagement and encouraging product adoption.

  2. Cisco's myPlanNet Cisco introduced myPlanNet, a social media game aimed at educating players about the company's networking solutions. Players managed a virtual telecommunications company, making strategic decisions and vying against other players for market share. myPlanNet effectively generated substantial interest in Cisco's products, showcasing the potential of gamification as a demand generation tool.

B2B Demand Generation Strategies for Tech Companies: Tips and Techniques Utilise Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer excellent opportunities for tech companies to deploy gamified marketing campaigns. These platforms enable users to share their achievements, compete with friends, and interact with the brand, fostering a sense of community and driving demand.

Develop Engaging and Interactive Content

To maximise the potential of gamification, tech companies should focus on producing engaging and interactive content that incites users to participate actively. This could encompass quizzes, puzzles, challenges, or virtual simulations that demonstrate the features and benefits of the company's products.

Offer Incentives and Rewards

Incentives and rewards play a crucial role in the success of gamification campaigns. Tech companies should provide tangible rewards, such as discounts, free trials, or exclusive content, to motivate users to participate and share their achievements with their social networks.

Track and Measure Success

Measuring the success of gamification campaigns is vital to identify areas for improvement and refine future efforts. Tech companies should monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, conversions, and social media shares to evaluate the effectiveness of their gamified marketing strategies.

Gamification Challenges and Considerations

While gamification boasts immense potential as a demand generation tool, tech companies should also be mindful of potential challenges and considerations. For example, it is imperative to ensure that gamification elements align with the company's brand values and messaging. Additionally, companies should consider their target audience's preferences and behaviours to create campaigns that resonate with them. Striking a balance between challenge and reward is also essential to maintain user interest and prevent frustration. Lastly, tech companies should be mindful of user privacy concerns and ensure that any data collected during gamified campaigns is handled securely and transparently.

The Future of Gamification in Tech Marketing

The future of gamification in tech marketing appears exceptionally promising. As new technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) continue to evolve, the opportunities for creating immersive and engaging gamified experiences will only multiply. Tech companies can leverage these advancements to design highly personalised and interactive campaigns that captivate users and drive demand generation.

Moreover, the rise of mobile gaming and the increasing popularity of casual games present exhilarating opportunities for tech companies to integrate their products and services into these platforms. By partnering with game developers or creating branded games, tech companies can tap into the vast audience of mobile gamers and generate interest in their offerings.


Gamification represents a powerful and innovative approach to demand generation that has proven highly effective for tech companies across the industry. By tapping into the power of play and creating engaging, interactive, and rewarding experiences, tech companies can capture the attention of their target audience and drive interest in their products and services. As technology continues to advance and the possibilities for gamified marketing strategies expand, the future looks bright for tech companies that embrace this playful approach to demand generation.

<![CDATA[Nurturing Demand Through Micro-Influencers: A Scalable Strategy for Tech Companies]]>https://www.quantummarketing-group.com/post/nurturing-demand-through-micro-influencers-a-scalable-strategy-for-tech-companies64466c71a955b397561fb24bThu, 04 May 2023 12:47:29 GMTRoger WilksIn the fiercely competitive technology landscape, businesses must adopt innovative strategies to engage with their target audiences and generate demand for their products and services. One approach that has gained considerable momentum in recent years is partnering with micro-influencers. These social media personalities, usually boasting between 1,000 and 100,000 followers, offer tech companies a unique opportunity to reach niche audiences and build brand credibility. In this article, we delve into the benefits of collaborating with micro-influencers as a demand generation strategy, with a particular focus on technology companies.

Nurturing Demand Through Micro-Influencers: A Scalable Strategy for Tech Companies

Authenticity and Trust: The Key to Success

ExpertVoice's study reveals that micro-influencers have 22.2 times more conversations about product recommendations than the average consumer. Micro-influencers are perceived as more authentic and relatable than their macro counterparts, due to their closer relationship with their audience. This fosters a sense of trust, making their product recommendations more effective. Tech companies can leverage this credibility by partnering with micro-influencers who share genuine experiences with their products, driving demand through word-of-mouth marketing.

Niche Targeting: Precision Matters

A study by Markerly found that micro-influencers with 1,000 to 10,000 followers have a higher engagement rate (2.4%) than those with 10,000 to 100,000 followers (1.7%). Tech companies often cater to niche markets, making it essential to target specific audience segments effectively. Micro-influencers tend to have a more focused follower base, allowing tech companies to reach their desired audience with greater precision. Partnering with micro-influencers who are knowledgeable about specific technologies or industries can help tech companies showcase their products' unique features to a receptive audience.

Cost-Effective Marketing: Maximise Your Budget

According to a survey by Digiday, the average cost per Instagram post by micro-influencers ranges from £137 to £229, whereas macro-influencers charge upwards of £1,500. Working with micro-influencers is often more cost-effective than partnering with macro-influencers or celebrities, who typically demand higher fees. This cost advantage enables tech companies to collaborate with multiple micro-influencers, diversifying their marketing efforts and expanding their reach.

Increased Engagement: Drive the Conversation

As per a study by Mobile Marketer, micro-influencers drive 60% higher engagement rates compared to macro-influencers. Micro-influencers' more intimate relationship with their followers often results in higher engagement rates. This increased engagement can drive conversation and interest in your tech products, ultimately nurturing demand. By working with micro-influencers, tech companies can create buzz around their products and encourage potential customers to take action.

Scalability: Grow with Your Influencer Partners

Influencer Marketing Hub reports that 28% of marketers consider influencer marketing to be the fastest-growing customer acquisition method. Micro-influencer partnerships offera scalable demand generation strategy for tech companies. As your company grows, you can expand your micro-influencer partnerships to reach new audience segments and tap into emerging markets. By continuously monitoring the performance of your collaborations, you can refine your approach and optimise your demand generation efforts.

Long-term Relationships: Build Lasting Connections

According to a study by Mediakix, 89% of marketers believe that the ROI from influencer marketing is comparable to or better than other marketing channels. Developing long-term relationships with micro-influencers can lead to sustained demand generation for tech companies. As these influencers grow their audiences and influence, the benefits of the partnership can increase over time. By nurturing long-term collaborations, tech companies can establish brand loyalty and maintain a consistent presence in their target markets.

Content Diversity: Fresh Perspectives for Your Brand

Micro-influencers are often known for their creativity and unique content styles. By partnering with diverse micro-influencers, tech companies can showcase their products and services from different angles, keeping their marketing efforts fresh and engaging. This content diversity can help capture the attention of various audience segments and drive demand generation.


Micro-influencers offer a scalable and cost-effective demand generation strategy for tech companies, particularly those targeting niche markets. By partnering with micro-influencers who are authentic, knowledgeable, and engaged with their audiences, tech companies can leverage trust, niche targeting, cost-efficiency, increased engagement, scalability, and long-term relationships to drive demand for their products and services. As the influencer marketing landscape continues to evolve, tech companies that adopt a forward-thinking approach and embrace micro-influencer partnerships will be better positioned to succeed in an increasingly competitive market.
